Noticeboard and surveys

We use our noticeboard to post topical issues, current matters and recent surveys for you to have your say.

We will post and highlight surveys you may be interested in completing, along with information about closing dates of these when they are posted.

Part-time timetables:

Because pupils of compulsory school age are entitled to a full-time education, reduced or part-time timetables are only allowed in exceptional circumstances, where:

  • there's a specific need for a pupil – for example, a medical condition prevents them from attending full-time education and a part-time timetable is part of a planned re-integration
  • it's in the pupil's best interests
  • it's on a temporary basis, stating when they're expected to return to school full time. It must not be a long-term solution

More information can be found in the Department for Education attendance guidance.

Child Law Advice

Child Law Advice is operated by Coram Children's Legal Centre. They provide specialist advice and information on child, family and education law.